Welcome to Why Me? ¿Porque Yo? Traffic School

The feeling of guilt after a citation is normal, we just want to tell you not to be too hard on yourself. Here are some facts from our research. If we are honest with ourselves, we will agree that we commit at least one moving violation every time we drive but we simply do not get cited for it. We would all agree that most of us have not reference an updated driver handbook after attaining our driver license. Most of us fall victim to "the driver ahead of me made that maneuver or is driving above the speed limit so it should be okay for me to do this also". We seldom stop to think if that maneuver is legal or safe to do. We know you will find our course to be informative, entertaining and most of all, relevant to your every day driving.

We've gone mobile!
Our course is now available on most mobile devices. We now offer more freedom to access the best course California has to offer.
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We provide a secure and safe site for your course registration. It utilizes 100 bit encryption over a private connection.